Regression Therapy


What is QHHT Regression Therapy?

Also known as “Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique” is the technique I use, which was developed by Dolores Cannon (the godmother of regression therapy), and involves inducing an individual into the Somnambulistic or meditative state of trance through visualization. Ordinarily this state of being is experienced twice daily: the moment just before you become consciously awake and the moment just before you fall asleep. 

Quantum Healing can help you achieve health, find peace, and create balance. Any obstacle you face in life, any hardship, challenge, loss, or need for change can be achieved through this form of healing therapy.

Any individual can gain access to experiences of Past Lives they have lived, and you will discover an infinite knowledge and powerful aspect of your higher self that can be contacted and communicated with. This part of yourself is always present with you and exists just below the surface of your conscious mind. Thus, we appropriately label this state of mind “The Subconscious” , “The Superconscious”, “Source”, or “The Higher Self”. We work within your past lives and the superconscious source state to help promote both emotional and physical healing.

What to Expect from a QHHT Past Life Regression Session

Basically…We are connecting the subconscious to the conscious. 

A regression is the through line that is connecting you unlock your subconscious. We are letting the subconscious drive, since normally the conscious is driving. As soon as you ask for a session, my spirit guides and your spirit guides (as the client) are conspiring to make the session unique for you. Lessons of the past can inform us of our purpose in the present and future. 

Ordinary Past Life Regression VS QHHT

The difference between ordinary past life regression and QHHT regression is that we work not only with past lives, but also with the subconscious for instantaneous healings (both emotional and physical) when appropriate. This method has proven to be effective on thousands of people all over the world regardless of their Age, Gender, Personality, Physical Symptoms, Religious Beliefs or Cultural Backgrounds for over 50 years. It has been conclusively supported that we have all lived multiple Past Lives and we all have a Subconscious which contains the answers to any question we may have about ourselves or the life we are living.

The resulting healing and wisdom that is received, is truly remarkable and often changes a life profoundly as one becomes more aligned with their Divine Purpose.                                    

What is a Past Life Regression?

A Past Life Regression is the first component of the QHHT technique. You will be regressed and guided through an appropriate past life. You will be guided by me, much like a guided visualization meditation, and will settle upon a first scene. You will see significant moments within past lives from one or many lives, and eventually move through to the end of the life and beyond to look back and reflect on themes within that life, and significant traits that may have carried into your current life.

Your Subconscious will select what past life to show you, and you will be guided through the experience by myself. The past life scene the Subconscious chooses to show you is always relevant to your current life. You will never be shown something that you are not ready to see. 

What is Hypnosis?

In short, I’m not going to make you bark like a dog or quack like a duck. Those are silly stage tricks that gave hypnosis a bad name and couldn’t be farther off from what we are doing. Instead, this form of hypnosis is more of a guided, visualization in a meditative state, allowing you to connect to your subconscious while I, your therapist, talk you through and help you to heal or uncover questions you may have.

Hypnosis is actually very easy, and everyone can be hypnotized.

In general, there are (4) Brain Wave states of the mind:

  1. Beta – wide awake - goal setting- comparing self - conscious mind - logical analyzation

  2. Alpha – light level of trance - altered state - beliefs and ideas - dream state

  3. Theta – deepest level of trance - somnambulistic - subconscious connection - memories

  4. Delta – asleep 

 We will work within Alpha and Theta.

Surprisingly, everyone is actually hypnotized 80% of every day and they don’t even know it. After approximately 60 seconds watching tv, you’re in alpha, because you’re concentrating on something. There was a study performed where a tv would stay on as long as a subject was in Beta, and the tv didn’t stay more than 60 seconds for each person to move into Alpha! Have you ever been watching tv so intently, you didn’t even notice someone walking into the room? Or been scrolling on Instagram and didn’t notice how long you’ve been sitting there? That’s alpha. That’s hypnosis. You are actually hypnotized a lot of the time every single day. Funny, huh?

What is my Role is as a Regression Therapist?

I’m simply a guide and facilitator. I help facilitate to show you an experience that has happened to you before in this life or a past life. By working with your subconscious to show you these moments, it will help you to be the best version of yourself in this life.


You will Feel/See:

You will feel at first like you’re making it all up, or you’re unclear why you’re seeing something... just go with it. Say the first thing that comes to your mind. The first thing you imagine. Quiet the “conscious mind” simply saying what you see or feel. As the client, you just report on what you see or feel. You don’t need to analyze it, just say the first thing you see or feel. I’ll ask you a lot of questions the whole time to continue to prime your mind and open up what you see.

Your angels / spirit guides will take you to whatever and wherever you’re supposed to go and whatever you’re supposed to see. It could be a past life, between lives, light source, under water, other planets, etc. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

 You, as the client, will come to the session with a series of questions (more info given below), and I will ask the subconscious these questions for you. This is where a lot of the healing happens. Your higher self will give you the answers.

You will be laying down, and it’s important not to move your body while you’re in the regression, and you should not open your eyes.


What is the Anatomy of a Session?

There are 3 portions of the session; the agenda consists of:

  1. Interview

    1. We will talk for a little while about why you wanted this session, your current life, your childhood, your job, your family, etc. Just get to know one another.

  2. Hypnotic “Alpha State” - Past Life Regression

    1. I will calmly regress you while you are comfortably laying down. You will be taken through a guided visualization by myself, and will be shown one or many past lives.

  3. Subconscious “Theta State” - Higher Self Healing

    1. If your higher self feels you are ready, you may be guided by myself to connect with your subconscious / higher self / spirit guides / source. I will ask the subconscious any questions you came into the session with on your behalf. We will perform a body scan and work to promote emotional and/or physical healing.

Sessions can take anywhere from 2-5 hours. I am never in a rush, and do not charge by the hour. I am here for you, and want this to be a relaxing, enjoyable experience!

End of a Session:

At the end I will safely close out the session, and we will have a discussion about what you experienced. After a session you will need to eat within the next 1-2 hours to ground yourself, and do not recommend you go right to sleep. A session should be done a few hours before you sleep. 


What you’ll get from the “Past Life Alpha State” portion: 

Emotional Healing & Scene Watching.

Connections, understanding your purpose, and past experiences. This is a way to give yourself more compassion for traits that may be imprinted on our soul and who you are in this life.


What you’ll get from the “Subconscious Theta State” portion:

Physical Healing & Reflection.

This is the realization stage. You will gain an understanding of why you saw what you saw in the past life portion. You will see and understand parallels in your current life, and how they tie to your past lives and experiences. You will open up memories that either serve you or hold you back. We unpack the lessons you’ve learned and are here to learn in this life. You see the themes of past and current lives to understand and release issues in a safe space, helping to access your own power on a cellular level. 

It also helps to release any emotional baggage you may be carrying with you. This baggage could be festering in your body, manifesting as current pains, illness, chronic disease, etc. These sessions will help you release pain and illness (both mental and physical). We do a body healing scan to get your body to function and operate at its highest potential.

This is also where we ask the Superconscious the questions you came prepared with.


How Long Does Healing Take?

Most of the main healing is immediate. See additional healing notes and reminders below: 

+ You will continue to closely experience healing for 1-3 days after the session, and up to 2 weeks.

+ You may experience a form of your body detoxing for 1-3 days after the session

+ It is important to drink a lot of water within the 3 days after the session 

+ Do not go straight to sleep after the session

+ Eat within 1-2 hours of the session to ground

+ I will send you a recording of this session, continue listening to it regularly for months and years to come, as you will continue to receive healing

+ Do not listen to the beginning induction at all, especially while driving - as it will put you back in trance. Just fast forward until you are off the cloud and within your first scene


How Many Sessions do you Need?

Depends on the client, the issues, levels of healing, and what you want out of it. We will start with one session and go from there.

Common Fears:

What it doesn’t work? What if I see something I don’t want to see?

This is an exciting healing process that we are not used to experiencing. Naturally, the unknown may feel strange, but this is a safe form of therapy that consists of all light and love.

The only thing you need to do is to relax, and follow the guided visualization. You don’t need to be psychic or intuitive for this to work, everyone is capable of getting into the Theta state.

This form of hypnosis therapy works on everyone.

No one has ever come out of a session more traumatized than they were before they sat down. 

We all have soul imprints of being victims and perpetrators. We all have stuggles and strife. That’s ok, that part of learning and healing. It’s my job to watch your queues to guide you to keep you safe and protected.

 You also do not have to directly experience things in your past life, you are able to watch situations as an observer as well, which will help in case you are triggered emotionally.

This is a very safe process, and I have been extensively trained to implement safeguards and procedures that will help to guide and facilitate your subconscious.

You will never see anything you are not ready to see.

This is part of your personal and unique path of growth and evolution. I also do not want to diminish the heaviness of life, trauma and death... I understand everyone has their own experience they come to the session with, both good and bad, and we are here in this life to learn about ourselves, our relationships, and our Divine Purpose.

Earth is like a school, and each life has a theme. Think of the themes as a Major in college. There are themes and sub themes in life, much like majors and minors. We’re all learning at our own pace and in our own way. These sessions will help you to uncover your themes.

By doing this work, and breathing love into it, we can receive guidance and insight where we can connect with our higher self and the world around us.


How to Prepare for a Session:

1. Come prepared with at least 5 questions written down to ask your subconscious/higher self. Examples of questions are:

+ Can I heal my high blood pressure?

+ Why do I have such a strained relationship with my sister?

+ I once saw a large blue light/orb while driving, what was that?

+ What is my purpose?

+ What do I need to do to live a healthy life?

+ Why can’t I kick my addiction to food?

+ My right leg has numbness, can we heal?


2. Do not plan anything major after the session, it’s important to relax and reflect.

3. Do not come to the session with substances in your system of any kind (including relaxing medications like xanax, alcohol, adderall, cannabis, etc) 

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions prior to your session. I’m here to help guide you in a safe space, and look forward to working with you!

Ready to book a session? Fill in your information below and someone will be in touch with you soon to schedule!