about the founder

Small Girl, Big Soul.


My name is Shana, and I wanted to take this time to say hello as an intangible meet & greet so we can get to know one another.

Quick(ish) background on me:

From a super young age I felt I was pretty different. I used to have dreams about things and then they would happen, or I would somehow know someone’s name right before they introduced themselves or guess a bill total… I also always felt connected to the world, to other people, to the trees and to the animals. I always knew there was more out there, outside of this world. I was fascinated with the universe and the stars, ancient stories, time traveling, and physics. I considered myself a connoisseur of life, and a purveyor of art and creative thinking. I’ve always been a communicator and wise beyond my years, giving advice to parents as a young child, friends and a young adult, and now you, as the young woman I am today. Albeit a woman who is still figuring her shit out, trying new things, and wildly spinning in her return to Saturn.

And looking back, I feel very grateful to have had what is known as a “successful” career, I checked all of the boxes in an expedited time that I was supposed to check them... younger even really I mean I started a full fledged career at 18... and looking back now I can see that was to my own detriment of stress and this fast paced New York meets Los Angeles lifestyle that I was totally and utterly succumbed to. I worked with major global companies, branding and putting my creative imprint wherever I roamed, worked with celebrities in the design world, strategizing content, and helping to build and run brands that we’re all too familiar with today... and then in 2018 everything came to a screeching but bright, debilitating, blinding and terrifying halt. The extreme working conditions, the travel, the stress of late night and weekend hours, the anxiety of constant emails and micro management and perfectionism caught up to me in a flash. My health was at risk. My body was in bad shape. I was getting vertigo, had gut issues, panic attacks, skin rashes, intestinal parasites, you name it. I had a hard time getting out of bed some days... I struggled with depression and if any of you listening know me, I’m the most optimistic positive upbeat person...I was at a low. I was at a point where, as a manifester and an expander, I wasn’t able to do that... and I knew I wouldn’t be able to help others if I didn’t first help myself.

And so it began: the journey of my wellness and well-being: physical, spiritual and emotional, which has brought me to where I am, and who I am today. 2019 was on the battlefield as I like to think. I was aware of what needed to change, and I was ready to start my healing. I was dodging issues left and right, and suffering in a pretty big way. I took bullets personally and professionally to ultimately place myself in the hands of the universe and my spirit guides, trusting my intuition and various light workers around me.

I was being pushed to move into my life’s alignment and speak my truth. I had been called energetically to align with what originally felt like it was outside of my comfort zone, and move to make it my new comfort zone.

And so, I found a tribe of healers, I sought out ancient modalities and eastern medicine. I met with every doctor from kinesiology, to rieki and crystal clearing, acupuncturists to intuitives, tarot card readers to chakra cleansers and regression therapists... I began regular meditation and gratitude journaling, yoga and music therapy. I decided my mind was the most powerful tool I have, and after the most awakening past life regression session, I came out aware and looking at the world around me with a fresh perspective, that same childlike awe and amazement that I felt as a young girl. I knew then, as I know now, I am here for a profoundly mindful purpose. We all are.

I thought my purpose was my success. My accolades. My career. My busy life. I let a resume defne me, shiny people I surrounded myself define me… but I only came to realize, Not only do those things not fulfill me… but they would eventually kill me.

Today, I’m a reiki energy worker, and a hypnosis regression therapist… I like to consider myself a quantum healer and light worker. An earthside guide here to help empower your inner spirit, deprogramming the systematic rituals of our relationships, society, and just general day to day life. I want to help you sit in the uncomfortable messy complicated spaces and be ok with it, and come out stronger and more aware than you were yesterday... equipping you with tools, practices, healers and spiritual wisdom that will help you connect with your higher self and the world around you. In short, I want you to be woke.

My goal is to empower you to believe in yourself, your gifts, and look to the signs of the universe and guidance of your intuition.

This is about being vulnerable, and learning, because I truly believe that group-think and collective consciousness is key to building a better, brighter future for this planet and our entire universe really. I want to show you that it’s ok to give less fucks by honoring yourself and your journey to whole-istic healing in every aspect of your mind, body and spirit. Everyone has a story, and I’m here to help you write the right in yours.


Choosing inspiration over competition for a stronger community is a healthier way to live your life.



A guidebook designed to help elevate the consciousness and inspire you to live a holistic + sustainable lifestyle. Equipping you with tools to manifest the life you deserve, it will delicately awaken your soul to a place where you are in complete alignment. Whether you're into alternative wellness, or simply want to learn to be more mindful in your daily routine, this book is perfect for you.